Which Heart Is Yours?

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Story told by Fr. David Convertino, Dec 21 2017

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A Broken Heart, Ruptured Heart or Enflamed Heart – Which is yours this Christmas?
This Christmas many Mothers and Fathers will have Broken Hearts as they watch their children suffer from homelessness, hunger and cold. They don’t wish for gifts under the tree but warm meals and only pillows to rest their heads on. You can help us help them before 2017 is over by taking the Franciscan Challenge now!
This Christmas, some will suffer from a Ruptured Heart, a heart torn apart by violence, sexual assault and mental illness on urban streets. These women, children and men, may not even know it’s Christmas because of the pain they endure each day on the streets of being outcasts and homeless. You can help us help them before 2017 is over by taking the Franciscan Challenge now!
You may receive a Enflamed Heart this Christmas, when you feel that something must be done to help those who have less food, no shelter and no one to protect them from the onslaughts of a life lived in poverty, mental illness and loneliness. Your heart is enflamed with the real Spirit of Christmas when you help us help them buy taking the Franciscan Challenge now!