A Prayer

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Story told by Fr. David McBrair, May 08 2017

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“Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” – Isaiah 43:18-19

Loving Spirit,
What is this new thing you are doing in me?
My life is and has been so very full. Each day it has been shaped by the miracle of being a mother. For so many years my every moment was intently set on the world of raising my children. I was so keenly aware that my family was some wondrous way that you and I share our love for each other. You have given me my children and husband as a way of showing me your great love – and the way I love my family was a response to you.

But Lord, I am lonesome now. I miss my children! They are growing and moving off and they no longer rely on me in the same way. My time is less taken up with them and at moments I just want to turn back the clock. Help me to see what you have in store for me now. You are doing something new in me. You are preparing me for a new phase, a new service and a new way of loving you.

Keep my eyes clear and my heart open to the ways you call me, Lord. And help me always to be grateful for the many gifts of each day.
